Saturday, November 27, 2021


    There are so many privacy violations that each of us don't even realize are occurring. We sign off on "terms and conditions" without reading any of them almost daily when we download apps or make accounts on websites. By accepting these, we enter contracts of adhesion which are contracts in which one party holds all of the negotiation power. Some of these contracts can change conditions without having to notifying the other party. Aside from these contracts, there are invasions of privacy that we do not consent to. One scary privacy issue that was talked about revealed that there are photos that get taken of people's cars at certain points on the road or sometimes when passed by a patrol car. Files of images, time stamps, and locations spotted are kept on innocent people.  

    The state government can fight back at local police stations about wrongfully surveying the citizens. The government can make people aware of these issues and advise people to take steps to protect their right to privacy. The local governments can simply start conversations with their citizens about maintaining good privacy practices. It is something that many people simply do not think about on the day to day. 


    One thing we can do to protect our privacy is use specific messaging applications and services that have codes which are harder for the government to read. It adds a layer of privacy protection to the everyday message and cell phone use of individuals. All this development of surveillance technology is understandable because the world is a dangerous place nowadays, but it is unjust to use it to keep tabs on innocent people. We can also do things like use fake email address or be cautious of the terms and conditions we accept when using our devices and providing personal information.

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