Monday, November 8, 2021

Protecting Dissent

Freedom of Expression

    Protecting Dissent is an extremely relevant value of the freedom of expression. Right now, there are a lot of circumstances that a large population has the same viewpoint on, such as the COVID-19 vaccination. However, the large and loud portion of the population that believes vaccines should be required and laws are being put in place that limit those who do not wish to get the vaccination. This alienates the population and prohibits equal opportunity to speak freely. This opinion may be unpopular but the minority view should be protected. The recent court case Does v. Mills was brought to the Supreme Court because healthcare workers in Maine were told that they were required to be vaccinated or else they would lose their jobs with not exceptions. Some certain healthcare workers have very strong religious beliefs that prohibit them from getting the vaccine. Because there is no exception for religion, they are losing their jobs. Some people have health conditions and religious responsibilities that prevent them from receiving it. Each person has a right to free speech, religious freedom, and the right to life. Although suing under religious freedom of the 1st Amendment wouldn't work because it can't be used to challenge law that applies to everyone, those who do not want the vaccine should be allowed to freely discuss their opposing view. 

     This can be seen on a private scale on Instagram. Instagram actively blocks anti-vaccine posts and comments. It is completely allowed because Instagram is a private platform but that is where the mob mentality forms. If this platform was not owned by a private company, it would be applying prior restraint. By no means am I preaching anti-vax but I do believe these people have a right to their opinion. No matter how many people disagree and have very strong arguments against the anti-vaccine viewpoint, those people's opinions should be protected. It comes down to the private employers have the right to require vaccines for health reasons but the people's right to express their view and not receive the vaccine should remain. There are entire organizations built on defending dissent as a freedom of expression. 

The citizens who hold the strongest opposing view should be open to the marketplace of ideas. If they believe that their opinion is the truth, then they should be confident that allowing what they view as “falsehood” to be present will not threaten the truth. Milton said that “truth will win out.” Although this was in reference to print licensing, the idea still stands. The biggest issue with the anti-vax opinion is that it is following a pandemic that killed millions of people so it becomes an issue of public health rather than solely an opinion. However, regardless of policy implemented, people should be able to criticize the government for placing these requirements and express their views on the policies. Not only are people supposed to have the ability to rain criticism on the government but also they are encouraged to do it. Completely censoring out opinions that shed a negative light on the COVID-19 vaccine violates this idea and prohibits the voices of the a group of citizens. 

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